Easton turned 1 January 24. He wasn't feeling so good, but I still tried to force him to have a fun time at his birthday party and get a few pictures of him on his birthday. His favorite movie is the Baby Shakespeare movie, so I made his cake the logo from the movie. This is how mean I was. He hates shoes and he got a pair for his birthday. I still put them on him just to get a picture of how much he hated them. The pictures of him actually eating the cake were taken 2 weeks later when he was feeling better. (He ended up having a double ear infection. I wanted the traditional 1st birthday pictures of the baby digging into the cake so I froze a chunk of the cake and saved it for later. I did feel a little guilty making him do all that stuff when I found out his ears were infected.) When he finally ate the cake, he loved it. He was funny at first. He didn't want any of the frosting touching his hands, so he would bend over and eat it with his mouth. He gave up on that idea and figured out that the hands were the easier way to go.
Likes at age 1:
Baby Shakespeare
playing outside
cars, balls, baseball
his wagon
garbage cans
toilets and toilet plungers
his brother and sisters (most of the time-they tend to be too rough so he runs from them)
food (pretzels and chocolate animal crackers are his most favorite, but not really picky)
fleece blankets (the other day we found him carrying around 4)
Dislikes at age 1:
getting out of the bath
coming inside
really cold food (he is starting to like yogurt finally, but still doesn't like ice-cream.)
dogs (he's getting better about not freaking out when they look at him from across the street)
automatic car washes
At his one year check-up he weighed 26 lbs. He was big when he was born (8 lb. -10 oz.) and he hasn't stopped growing. It really is cute to watch him run with his short little legs and big belly. And yes, he is now running. He started walking at 9 1/2 months and learned to run away from his siblings REALLY fast. Now he is almost to fast for mom to catch up with.
We love you Easton. Happy Birthday!!! (Even though it was 6 weeks ago)
Likes at age 1:
Baby Shakespeare
playing outside
cars, balls, baseball
his wagon
garbage cans
toilets and toilet plungers
his brother and sisters (most of the time-they tend to be too rough so he runs from them)
food (pretzels and chocolate animal crackers are his most favorite, but not really picky)
fleece blankets (the other day we found him carrying around 4)
Dislikes at age 1:
getting out of the bath
coming inside
really cold food (he is starting to like yogurt finally, but still doesn't like ice-cream.)
dogs (he's getting better about not freaking out when they look at him from across the street)
automatic car washes
At his one year check-up he weighed 26 lbs. He was big when he was born (8 lb. -10 oz.) and he hasn't stopped growing. It really is cute to watch him run with his short little legs and big belly. And yes, he is now running. He started walking at 9 1/2 months and learned to run away from his siblings REALLY fast. Now he is almost to fast for mom to catch up with.
We love you Easton. Happy Birthday!!! (Even though it was 6 weeks ago)
What a bummer, sick on your first birthday! Cute Cake!
I love the pics of him and his shoes. You are MEAN!! So funny though, thanks for sharing the pics. He's so handsome, Happy Belated Birthday to Easton!
That was the cutest cake. You and Tyler's drawn faces are way too similar. Easton is such a cutie. I feel so bad that he turned 1 and we didn't wish him a Happy Birthday. So Happpy late Birthday Easton! Is he up and walking around everywhere already? I loved Easton's likes and dislikes. He'll love reading that when he gets older.
I ♥ the cake! It is too cute. And Megan, you look so skinny in that pic!
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