This year for the kids birthday's we were in Provo/Price for the 4th so we got to celebrate their birthdays with family again. On July 5th Clayton turned 7 and BrynLee turned 5. We went to the park with family, had cake and ice cream, and opened presents. BrynLee didn't really know what she wanted this year so I found her a remote control Bratz car and she loved it. She also had a Bratz cake. Clayton had been wanting a ripstick, so that's what he got along with a new helmet. It didn't take him long to figure out how to do it. Clayton doesn't really like cake so he wanted a cookie cake and we turned them into baseballs. This is one of my favorite days. Clayton and BrynLee never fight and are so happy to be with one another. I never thought that they would like sharing a birthday, but they really do.
BrynLee's Favorite Things:
Hannah Montana (She thinks she is Hannah Montana)
Littlest Pet Shop
Clayton's Favorite Things:
Playing outside
Riding his bike/scooter/ripstick