About 3 weeks ago we were able to go to Price for my family reunion. My grandparents put a lot of time into it and we had so much fun. We started off with a family history tour. We visited the grave sites of several of our ancestors most of whom were pioneers. At the Huntington cemetary they had a memorial of the coal miners and rescuers who had lost their lives in the Crandall Canyon Mine disaster. One of the miners that died was my grandma's cousin. While we were visiting the memorial there was such a sense of peace there. What a nice memorial for the families that lost loved ones to come and visit and also feel the peace. After the family tour we headed to Mill Creek Reservoir to hang out at the lake. The guys went golfing, we played in the water, played games, ate yummy dutch oven food, relaxed and had a lot of fun visiting. The next day we went to Helaman Hollow. We have been up there several times growing up and we haven't been in quite awhile. It was fun to go back up and take my kids up there. We had a big brunch and then hung out and played more games. A new game that some of the younger cousins taught us was the conehead game. You tie an ice-cream cone to the top of your head and get a newspaper and roll it up to make a sword. You have to try and break other cones by hitting them with your sword. The last one standing wins. It sounds silly, but it is a lot of fun and it is even more fun watching. It was so much fun to get together with everyone. Thanks grandma and grandpa for getting everyone together and making it such a fun time for everyone.

Ancestors grave who was a pioneer. They have these neat little plaques on the ones that were pioneers.

While we were listening to my grandparents we happened to look up and find Easton getting on top of some graves and then jumping off. I had to get a picture before we got him off.

The Crandall Canyon Mine memorial.

They had a statue of each of the miner's. This was my grandma's cousin.

This was the house that my grandma grew up in.

My grandma in front of the house she grew up in.

Our family. It was like pulling teeth for them all to sit down for 1 picture.

My grandma and grandpa.

Easton getting ready for the conehead game.

BrynLee getting ready for the conehead game.

Clayton getting ready for the conehead game.

Clayton roasting smores.

Brooklyn getting ready for the conehead game.

BrynLee and Cousin Skyler. Skyler was BrynLee's slave for the day. He played everything she wanted to. He seriously did eveything she wanted to do for 3 hours. Thank you Skyler for the entertainment. She loved it.

Me and Easton

My mom does a grandma camp every year. This is the picture in their matching shirts.

We had so much fun and we look forward to the next reunion in a couple of years.